Student retreat in the mountains

Inspired by Szklarska Poreba and the EGG school, Katie and a colleague from UPF (Barcelona) organised a student retreat in Catalonia this October. It was called Retreat for Students in Semantics and Pragmatics (ReSSP). We had two invited speakers, Becky Woods (Huddersfield) and Marcin Wagiel (Brno), who are great both academically and personally; as well as 14 contributed talks by grad students in semantics.

Katie and Kata were very happy with the weekend and hope to repeat it in the future!

Hiking conference in Serbia

In Serbia, Berit organised a nice conference in the Carpathian mountains of Serbia, called Research Techniques and Approaches: New Journeys in Linguistics (RTANJ Linguistics 2). It was casual and cozy (delicious, homemade Serbian food!) and overall really nice with high quality talks.

Katie presented joint work with Cora Pots (KU Leuven) on motion/posture verbs in periphrastic progressive constructions in Dutch and Afrikaans, and Berit presented her work on cross-slavic variation in passives. Thanks for organising, Berit! 🙂