A book supported by MEAT is presented at the CGG in Alcalá

The 27th Colloquium on Generative Grammar [27CGG] was organized at the Universidad de Alcalá [UAH] by MEAT colleagues and friends Manuel Leonetti, Silvia Gumiel-Molina, Norberto Moreno-Quibén and Isabel Pérez-Jiménez. Right before the Business Meeting, Olga Fernández-Soriano, Isabel Pérez-Jiménez and Elena Castroviejo had the joy of presenting the book they have co-edited (with the support of MEAT and Ikerbasque), entitled Boundaries, phases and interfaces. Case studies in honor of Violeta Demonte and published by the John Benjamin’s series Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today. We were very happy and proud to share some memories of the 24th CGG, unveil the table of contents of the book and thank all its contributors, including authors and reviewers. It was especially nice to be able to give a copy of the book to Violeta and celebrate this event surrounded by the theoretical linguistics community which gathered in Alcalá.


By the way, it was announced that the 28th CGG will be hosted by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and organized by another MEAT friend, Isabel Oltra-Massuet!

2 MEAT talks in Oslo

The occasion was the workshop “Non-at-issue meaning and information structure” [NAIS2017]. It fit nicely with the goals and subgoals of the MEAT project, which revolves around the interaction between meaning types and has information structure as one of the case studies that we are looking closely.



Berit held a joint talk with Olga Borik entitled “The role of presupposition and information structure in Russian imperfective passives“, and Laia and Elena held a joint talk entitled “Echoicity and contrast in Spanish conditionals“.


On top of the lively discussion, we were lucky to listen to talks by linguists who paved the way for a deeper understanding on such notions, and then to an original format, which included comments on the invited talks by local researchers.