Talking about ‘good’ in a workshop on subjectivity

poster-the-lexicon-of-subjectivity On Tuesday, June 13th, Berit and Elena presented their latest ideas on the meaning of subsective good. This was in the frame of the workshop “The Lexicon of Subjectivity“, organized by colleague Dan Zeman, at the UPV/EHU.

The other presenters in this one-day workshop were John Collins (East Anglia), Lisa Bylinina (Leiden), Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary), Carla Umbach (ZAS) and Sara Packalén (Stockholm).


Book published!

la_239_hbFollowing up on our previous post A book supported by MEAT is presented at the CGG in Alcalá, here is the leaflet of the co-edited book Boundaries, Phases and Interfaces. Case Studies in Honor of Violeta Demonte, published in John Benjamin’s series Linguistik Aktuell. On behalf of Olga Fernández-Soriano and Isabel Pérez-Jiménez, with whom Elena co-edited this volume, here’s our acknowledgment to all the authors who contributed with their papers and to the reviewers who helped improve the book in all its respects.

As always, the research underlying this publication was partially supported by project FFI2015-66732-P, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, UE), the IT769-13 Research Group (Basque Government), and UFI11/14 (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU).

Nominalizations in Fribourg

Zoltan Zato presented a talk entitled “Degrees and entities in the nominal domain” in the 7e Journées d’Etudes sur les Nominalisations (Jenom7), which was held in the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) on June 1-2, 2017.

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The workshop brought together crosslinguistic works on nominalizations from different perspectives, including topics in syntax, morphology, and semantics.

Zoltan’s talk foccused on the semantics of three Spanish structures involving gradability and their contribution regarding the ontology of semantic objects.

Short stay in Manchester

From the 3rd of February to the 2nd of May of 2017, Zoltan Zato had a short stay in the Department of Linguistics and English Language of the University of Manchester, under the supervision of Dr Andrew Koontz-Garboden.


In the University of Manchester, Zoltan worked on the analysis of Spanish deadjectival nominalizations, which is the topic of his ongoing dissertation. The meetings with Andrew were extremely productive and insightful.

Zoltan also attended the seminars of the department, the Semantics Labs, the Time Meetings, the Minimalist Syntax course (taught by Dr Julio Villa-García), and the Manchester Forum in Linguistics (mFiL) conference.